Friday, June 7, 2013

1st and 3rd Grade Concert

1st and 3rd grade Spring Concert
Finally I have time to catch up on the blog! These past few months have been a whirlwind of events, from concerts, to talent shows, grades, and inventory I have to say I am very grateful to have this first full time year under my belt! That being said I now have the time to brag about my wonderful students and all the great accomplishments that they did in the past few months!

1st and 3rd grade do a concert together here at Snyder Elementary.  My goal for students in these ages is to have a concert that gets their feet wet in singing and performing in front of a group.  I also find it important that because the students are still very young that the concert is about a half hour-45 minutes long so that they can get home for homework/dinner/bedtime, maybe it's the mom in me, but it is on a school night!

This is my wonderful first grade! They sang a children's music called "The Box" by Mark Burrows. In this musical the students sing songs about using their imagination to turn a plain ordinary cardboard box into anything they can dream up. They sang songs including, Anything can happen in a fairy tale, Rocket ship, and Take it from your Teachers, to name a few!

With 3rd grade I wanted the students to start to learn about acting and and performing in a musical. Together we put on a great show, The Princess and the Frog! Each of the 42 actors had costumes that were graciously made by an amazing woman, Mary Hurr, all by hand, and with only donated materials! She really helped the kids feel important and special as they got to partake in a show complete with costumes!

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